✔ Price £ | ✅ View current price £ on amazon.co.uk |
✔ Colours | Grey & Blue |
✔ Type | Robotic |
✔ Coverage | Up to 500 Square Metres |
✔ Cutting Height | 20mm to 50mm |
✔ Controls | On-Board / Smart System-App Control |
✔ Special Features | Anti-Theft Protection / SensorControl / EasyPassage / SpotCutting / Silent Drive Motor |
Customer Reviews | ✅ View customer reviews on amazon.co.uk |
The GARDENA SILENO city 500 Smart Robotic Mower provides a highly effective and advanced means of automatically cutting lawns up to 500 square metres in size. It has an adjustable cutting height and manoeuvres easily up/down slopes with an incline of up to 35%. It efficiently navigates its way around gardens whether they're simple or complex, and cuts down narrow passageways and even in corners. The mower works in both rain and shine.
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The mower can be controlled with the GARDENA Smart System App which lets you control it remotely (although there are manual controls too). This App is extremely easy to set up and use, and gives you full access to the mower's features and functions. We like the quiet nature of the machine. It runs at around the 58dB(A) mark. We also like the fact that the mower is easy to clean and is hose-washable.
GARDENA are a brand of lawn, shrub and tree care. Their range includes lawnmowers (robotic/cylinder/rotary), hedge trimmers, grass trimmers, loppers, garden saws, pressure sprayers, and more. They're a well known brand with a long history and a reputation for quality.
The features are as follows:
Overall, the GARDENA SILENO city 500 Smart Robotic Mower is a well designed, easy to use and highly advanced piece of machinery which gets the job done quickly and effectively. Its variable cutting height and support for inclines up to 35% make it a versatile mower. We particularly like its advanced App control which lets you operate it remotely. We also like its quiet operation, easy to clean (hose-washable) design and smart navigation. We rate the GARDENA SILENO city 500 Smart Robotic Mower 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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